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Helpful Articles - Freight

Everything You Need to Know About US Customs Exams (and How to Avoid Them)

Last Updated: 12/13/21 Customs exams can be a significant source of frustration and confusion when you’re moving goods in and out of the United States. Additionally, when your shipment is put on a customs hold, it can completely derail its timeline—and cost you money. To help reduce some of the mystery around these exams, we’ll walk you through the most common types of holds and customs exams, along with their timelines and fees. We’ll also help you understand why your shipment might get targeted for a customs exam, as well as what you can do to avoid the delays and costs that result. “Why Did...

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What the Importer Security Filing (ISF) Means for You 

Read Time | 4 Minutes If you’re bringing goods into the United States, you may have heard of a regulation called the Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements (ISF), also known commonly as 10+2. In their ongoing mission to enhance the safety and security of the country, Customs and Border Protection instituted this regulation, which gathers information on a shipment’s entire supply chain in order to more effectively identify high-risk cargo. The regulation only applies to shipments arriving in the U.S. via ocean freight.  Under this rule, the agent or broker for every shipment must submit 10 points of data. Eight of these must be reported at least 24 hours before a shipment is loaded on a steamship headed for the United States. The other two are due no later...

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